about 3 months ago, i bought a card that made it so i could get free oil changes, along with other random car fixer uppers for free. i got the card for $60, but upon completion of the card you get your $60 back. so i went today to get my oil changed and found that the place has gone out of business. and trent gets screwed.
after i came home, cameron told me that he bought 8 boxes of cereal for 8 dollars. needless to say, i went to smiths to buy some cereal and came home with 16 boxes of cereal and 16 boxes of granola bars, which were also 8 for 8. and trent gets his vindication.
I envy you. You are the superior cereal master.
I pretty much converted to being a Smiths shopper solely for their cereal sales.
I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. check the pic.
i did that whole oil change thing once. i never ever used the card. $60 down the drain.
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