Sunday, April 15, 2007

please don't read this without commenting.

I'm compiling my summer reading list. The list is based solely on friend recommendations. Just a little precursor, my book taste is a little different. I like to feel like I'm learning or being inspired when I read. This means I like non-fiction (loved the tipping point for example), self-help (i'm currently enjoying 7 habits), cultural feeling type of books. (i like the life of pi, though I'm not done), and uplifting, insightful types (tuesdays with morrie is a fave.) I guess a couple other random books that I like a lot are the outsiders, the perks of being a wallflower and to kill

So the list is as follows:

Nate B.:
?:::April 1865

Jake S.:

Trent M.(me):
yann.martel:::life.of.pi (finish it!)
george.orwell:::1984 (finish it!)

i appreciate your contributions.


The Obergs said...
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meredith said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Posted about the same thing yesterday just less interesting. I am now deleting it and stealing YOURS.

I have to suggest my two favorite books even though I have told everyone about them anyway.
Exremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathon Safron Foer

History of Love by Nicole Krauss

The Alchemist by Paul Coelho

Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (although I think that may be more interesting for girls)

Those are just a few on the top of my head.

Jeremy Warner said...

Dr. Seuss's The Butter Battle Book
Bullitt Lowry's Pershing and the Armistice

Marcilyn said...

Family by Pa Chin
God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (won the Booker Prize)

vanessa said...

the kite runner

the power of one

the glass castle

i know this much is true

Teena said...

the upanishads

Anonymous said...

'deadly persuasion'. though it's kind of depressing/shocking/in your face information about how the media affects people. but it's quite interesting. i reccomend.

d & e wilson said...

I second The Good Earth. I read it this semester and it was excellent.

becca said...

the count of monte cristo, alexandre dumas

atonement, ian mcewan (not a church book)

peace like a river, leif enger

on the road, jack kerouac

i third the good earth, and i second all of meredith's.

good luck.

becca said...

i also second kite runner. best book. best.