Saturday, February 17, 2007

i do not like las vegas.

thursday night jordan, colby and i took of for vegas to go to our buddy will's wedding. drove through the night, got in at 4:30am and woke up at 8:30 to go to the festivities. eventually we made our way down to the strip where i made a realization:
las vegas really is sin city. very ridiculous. as i surmise, vegas has 6 things to offer:
1. gambling
2. sex or sex related activities
3. clubbing
4. shopping
5. shows ie. cirque di solei, pen and teller.
6. people watching

here's the problem. as a broke mormon, only number six is a viable option, but given the fact that vegas has probably more floosies per capita, it's not a very safe option. i haven't seen that much cleavage in a long time. but wow. there were some babes.

later i found out that i missed common on friday night, and there were in fact tickets for the dunk contest left. but oh well. still glad we left early cuz if we didn't, we would have been broke.
i did waste a dollar on the penny slots, but they're all electronic now anyways, it wasn't even fun.

1 comment:

vanessa said...

i like the word "surmise". you get two points.