1. not able to pay attention in econ. i actually really like the class/subject matter, but i can't focus. (see internet addiction)
2. allergic to fruit. but i eat it anyways.
3. sick of white boy hustle.
4. what ever you say i am. if i wasn't then why would i say i am.
5. not excited to take two tests tomorrow.
6. very glad that Dr. Robinson's letting me take the test that i missed the deadline for.
7. in love with a stripper.
8. glad that dr. kearl just said "schlopes" instead of "slopes"
9. excited for hawaii.
10. broke.
lol. ttyl. omg, ymbp because you love a striper
Oh man, Dr. Kearl, I think he has the strangest twitches. Had I had a laptop when I took econ 110 I would have been so distracted in class.
Oh wait, I got a D without it.
I have been to the pictured man's house, and I think I was actually scared into paying attention. So maybe he should move class to his living room and teach from the perspective of a stake president.
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